Running Standalone SQLAlchemy Scripts in Pyramid

From time to time there comes the need to run automated scripts managed by either Python or Cron. In a recent project I had to run a standalone script that checks records on a database at certain hours. So here’s what I came up with. Most of the script is based on this post by Daniel Mayer.

from paste.deploy import appconfig
from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound, MultipleResultsFound
#here is where sqlalchemy objects are imported
from PRJ.models import DBSession as db,DBRecords
#import the session manager. This way commits will be handled automatically by the Zope Transaction Manager
import transaction
# Load Application Configuration and Return as Dictionary
conf = appconfig('config:' + 'development.ini',
# Bind Engine Based on Config
engine = engine_from_config(conf, 'sqlalchemy.')
#Query the DB
data = db.query(DBRecords).one()
with transaction.manager:
  for record in data:
    #query or update DB

Simpleform Localization in Pyramid

In a recent project I had to localize the errors thrown by the pyramid_simpleform package. Googling for information I couldn’t find how to do it, so here’s what worked for me at the end.

  from pyramid.i18n import get_locale_name
  from pyramid_simpleform import Form,State
  from formencode import api as formencode_api
  def includeme(config):
    config.add_route('login', '/login')
  def login(request):
     set the language in FormEncode according to the request url param _LOCALE_
     form = Form(request,
     set an empty gettext translation function,
     since FormEncode has one already
     configured in the set_stdtranslation function
     form.state._ = ''
     return dict(renderer=FormRenderer(form))

And that’s it, try it for example Make sure the action param in your form passes the _LOCALE_ value if the method is set to post.